Open Source work: " It's very impressive". If you're using VSCode as your editor, VSCode.pro is a fun/cool resource! Sarah Drasner JS Microsoft & Vuejs Core Team Today for #devAdvent: the very hardworking Awais is a WordPress Core member and TEDx speaker and he recently created a course to help people become VS Code Power Users. Keep up the great work Alexander Romano Associate App Developer | SKF I just picked up my copy of NodeCLI course! I can't wait to take my CLI skills to the next level. Really great work Awais Awesome work! Alberto Medina Google Developer Advocate | Ph.D CS Wow the quality of the courses is outstanding. Connect with Awais on twitter I didn't know that!!!!!!! This tip is life changing to me!! Zouhir ⚡ Edge Microsoft | Google Dev Expert Satya Nadella CEO of Microsoft, said Awais is an awesome example for developers Regular WordPress Core Developer Member of SmashingMagazine Experts Panel, Featured/published author at CSS-Tricks, Tuts+, Scotch.io, TorqueMag, SitePoint. Check out his work on corona-cli, Shades of Purple theme, wp-continuous-deployment, cgb, Emoji Log, and many more open-source projects on GitHub.

Director of Developer Relations He also created one of the top VSCode themes called Shades of Purple (used by millions of developers).

Awais has been listed as #1 JavaScript Trending Developer worldwide by GitHub. TEDx Speaker (NodeConf, React Live, Next.js Conf).

DevRel Mars Ingenuity Helicopter code contributor Node.js Foundation Community Committee Outreach Lead, Member Linux Foundation, OpenAPI BGB, DigitalOcean Navigator Author of various open-source dev-tools and software libraries used by millions of developers worldwide (including engineers at Google, Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft, Intel). Award-winning GitHub Star Open Sourcerer Google Devs Expert Dir.