If you are using another platform, first, download the app, install it, and sign in with your Microsoft account. If you don’t find it there, you can search for the app and open it from the search result. To do that, click the Start menu and select ‘To Do’ from the Pinned apps. All you have to do is open the To-Do app and sign in with your Microsoft Account. In Windows 11, Microsoft To-Do comes pre-installed on your computer.

You can start working on Microsoft To-Do on any platform such as Windows desktop app, iPhone or iPad, Android device, as well as on the /tasks website. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about how to set up and use Microsoft To-Do in Windows 11.

Don’t confuse Microsoft To-Do with Microsoft’s another task management tool called Microsoft Planner which is a project management tool part of Microsoft 365. It allows you to make to-do lists, set reminders, take notes, make grocery lists, plan events, record collections, and more. To-Do helps you organize, schedule, manage, and coordinate tasks for your work, school, and home. Microsoft To-Do can be accessed through the Windows application, iOS and Andriod mobile apps, and web browser. Microsoft To-Do, formerly known as ‘Wunderlist’ is a free task management application that comes built into Windows 11.