No portion of this site may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Las Vegas Raiders. The many users who found and reported bugs in nflfastR 1.©2023 by the Las Vegas Raiders.To Zach Feldman and Josh Hermsmeyer for many helpful discussions about CPOE models as well as Peter Owen for many helpful suggestions for the CP model.To Timo Riske, Lau Sze Yui, Sean Clement, and Daniel Houston for many helpful discussions regarding the development of the new nflfastR models.To Lee Sharpe for curating a resource for game information.To Aaron Schatz and Football Outsiders for providing charting data to correctly mark scrambles in the 2005 season.To Lau Sze Yui for developing a scraping function to access JSON-formatted NFL play-by-play beginning in 2001.To Nick Shoemaker for finding and making available JSON-formatted NFL play-by-play back to 1999 ( nflfastR uses this source for 19 and previously also used it for 2001-2010).We owe a debt of gratitude to the original nflscrapR team, Maksim Horowitz, Ronald Yurko, and Samuel Ventura, without whose contributions and inspiration this package would not exist. Includes a function update_db() that creates and updates a database.Features models for Expected Points, Win Probability, Completion Probability, and Yards After the Catch (see section below).Hosts a repository of play-by-play data going back to 1999 for very quick access.Includes series information, including series number and series success.Includes drive information, including drive starting position and drive result.Includes completion probability ( cp), completion percentage over expected ( cpoe), and expected yards after the catch ( xyac_epa and xyac_mean_yardage) in play-by-play going back to 2006 NFL scores, service offers real-time NFL scores live, latest NFL results, standings, regular season NFL divisional standings and NFL playoff.As suggested by the package name, it obtains games much faster.

The package contains NFL play-by-play data back to 1999.nflfastR expands upon the features of nflscrapR: NflfastR is a set of functions to efficiently scrape NFL play-by-play data.